October 29, 2016

The number one (1)solution to a problem people don't notice

This particular solution is just what one needs sometimes to solve his/her problem, but people always neglect it and jump into looking for other solutions, and this is much more common among us the youths and teenagers. we rush into solving problems even without trying to understand it in particular. So what am I saying? the number one solution or should I say step to solve a problem is actually UNDERSTANDING IT .no matter how good, brilliant, wise, smart, etc you are, the very first thing you most do to solve your problem is to understand it, very important. in all aspect of life. okay, let's us look into some few of the .


In the part of academics, first exam, when you are given a question or a problem to solve, may be lets take for instance maths, and you fall to understand the question in particular, first you will never find the formula (solution) to solve it, even if you do, it will take you much time, and you will be making too many mistakes, and at the end you will find out you answered few questions because you wested your time in one, plus all the headache that will be added to it. so you can see the disadvantages, okay, so people may be having problems in school, maybe they find it difficult to crap things they are been thought in school, instead of trying to know or understand the problem, he or she will start believing that someone is maybe spiritually behind it. wrong! the problem maybe due to your lack of seriousness back in your early school days. okay. lets us also use maths which this type of problem is commonly found, so lets go on, if in your junior secondary, you were then unserious and you always miss class, due to that there are some steps you missed which you never covered, when you meet problems which needs you to make use of that step you can't, and that's your problem. so you see? going through education is like one filling holes, or pits, and I bet you anyone you miss, one day you must surely come back to fill it.so when you have problems in your academic life, try to reflect on your past very important.


Some people have problems in their business today because of their past mistakes, but that's not the issue here, the thing is that man has lost all hope, due to them trying to solve the problems even without understanding it, there by looking for solutions in the wrong place .


In life problems come in different ways and sometimes, that same problem you solved sometime ago, may still be the one repeating itself again, but if you don't understand it, you go on the wrong way and when you do, the problem may now multiply .just like in school,teachers may repeat a question they have asked you before but in a different way. all you need here is understand it and use that same step you applied before in the first one and solve this one.my word of advice is "understand a problem,then look for the right solution to it" problems don't come to be, but if you let it go without solving it, it comes back with many others. and also it does not come to leave you the way you are before but to leave you better or worst. which depends on how you solved it, and you solving it with the best solution depends on, if you understand it.or will I say how you understand it.

please this affects everyone in all aspects of life.



  1. Seen and read. Visit my blog via http://unitedclick.heck.in. I'm a follower.... Kindly follow back. MWB #future

  2. The Inspirationist28 April 2016 at 22:00

    It's really great. I pray you get more insight to give us more next time. Thanks a lot.

  3. @The Inspirationist, sure, I pray so too
