March 26, 2016

Some things about achieving a goal in life

In life everyone has his or her goal, which we are aiming to achieve at a particular point in time. But there is a particular thing I have noticed about some people,on the event of achieving their goals they are ever ready to hurt other people's feelings which is very bad, a book I read 'Why ask why 'says that one of the greatest investment one can make is trying to invest in others , being on the lookout for the opportunity to impact on others.try investing on others you don't know the way the lord has designed your destiny maybe who you helped is to help you, that same book also said that if your favorite world is 'I' then you are yet to start , even the creator himself is totally against selfish people , so if you only care about yourself and how you alone can achieve greatness, in any way (even in the cost of other people's life ) am so sorry to disappoint you, you are not going anyway.
Then another important fact is putting your God first in all you are doing, pray as if it all depends on praying and you will see changes, have an encounter with God, many people think they can make it by themselves but no.
Another one is doing the right thing at the right time, a wise man said that doing the right thing is doing it even when it seems no one is noticing you. sometimes our problem is not what we are to do but understanding what we are doing.
In achieving your dreams you need this things 1=burning desire, 2=the power of your mind, 3=eliminating some dreams killers, like procrastination, 4=common sense. with this 4 important factors you are ready for some thing in life.

I will talk about those four (4) important factors in the second edition, please your comments/opinion is highly needed.

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